When did you start playing billiards? How did you get where you are today?
I first began playing pool by chance in 2014. I used to go with my father down to the local pool hall and would watch him play. Eventually the owner, and WPBA Professional Janet Atwell, convinced me to pick up a stick and try my luck. Janet’s help offered me a competitive and unique perspective on the game. She brought me in to compete in her league, and eventually surprised me with my first pool stick.
What tips/tricks would you give to an aspiring pool player to improve their game?
- When playing a competitor that may have more experience than you, remain focused and try to watch how they play each shot to get position on the next ball.
- Always remember the fundamentals of pool and continue to practice that way to get better.
- Stay positive and keep in your mind why you started playing and play for the love of the game.
- Always, always have fun.
What advice would you give young players starting out?
- Stay focused, stay strong, and NEVER give up.
- When things get tough, take a deep breath, remain calm and focus on your game.
- Don’t let a bad five minutes turn into a bad day. Stay positive, stay cool, and leave your troubles off the table.
What are your pool goals for 2020?
My goals for 2020 is to go to Junior Nationals and bring home a win. I would also like to win more than half of the tournaments I attend.
I would like to continue to manage my time between my education and pool, and try to obtain a scholarship to attend college.